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» Baladna international summer work camp Shefa’amr 17-29/7/2016
Baladna international summer work camp Shefa’amr 17-29/7/2016
03/02/2016 - 13:07
Start Date: 17 July 2015
End Date: 29 July 2015
Description: Volunteers will be occupied with two main activities: 1) assisting a summer children camp with its daily affairs including catering and 2) participating in a city beautification project involving graffiti art (e.g. creating murals, etc.). This volunteer experience involves working closely with children and engaging with the local Arab community of Shefa’amr. Volunteers might also help out with the renovation of the Dahir Al-Umar fort -- the historic castle located in the city where volunteers will be housed during the program.
Location: The ancient town of Shefa’amr is an Arab town located in the North District of Israel. The city has a diverse population of Palestinians including Muslims, Christians and Druze. It is located 13 km from the Mediterranean Sea and about 20 km from the cities of Haifa, Acre and Nazareth. The fort of Shefa’amr, where volunteers will be housed, was built in 1760 by Dahir Al-Umar, an autonomous Arab ruler of Palestine during the Ottoman period. It has since been converted into a municipal building.
Requirements: Motivation and willingness to work with youth. Previous experience or background in art or graffiti is a plus. Interest in Palestine and Palestinian culture is a plus.
Accommodation: All volunteers will sleep in the municipal community center situated inside a historic fort that was built during the Ottoman period. Volunteers must bring their own sleeping bags. Bathroom and kitchen will be available. Volunteers will be responsible for preparing their own meals.
Number of volunteers: 20
Language: English. Knowledge of Arabic is helpful.
Cost: 150.00 Euros
Contact : vol@baladnayouth.org